Reverend Sekou and the Power of Song
Wir sind echt stolz, dass wir ihn am 24. Lucerne Blues Festival begrüssen zu können: Der Aktivist, Pastor, Theologe, Autor und Dokumentarfilmer Reverend Osagyefo Sekou hat sein Leben der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gewidmet – kein Wunder, dass er in Zeiten wie diesen in den Staaten in aller Munde ist. Lesen Sie hier im Artikel der Zeitschrift Living Blues, wer Reverend Sekou ist und warum er mit Sicherheit auch das Luzerner Publikum in seinen Bann ziehen wird.
Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou hails from the Arkansas Delta, but his message of peaceful protest is international. A musician who is also a human rights activist, Sekou practices what he sings.
On July 13, 2015, Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou was on the streets peacefully protesting the implementation of deadly force by the St. Louis Police Department. He was joined by other members of the clergy, rapper Tef Poe and singer-songwriter Tara Thompson. “Some people went out and held the street. Reverend Rebecca Ragland and some others held the street and then we pulled back and got back on the sidewalk. We had made our point. We were in front of the police department. They ended up making random arrests. They snatched a 15-year-old girl off the street. They snatched me. Tef and Tara were actually in their car about to drive off. They snatched them out of the car and arrested us,” Sekou explained. Rev. Ragland insisted that the police take her with them: “I’m a white clergy person, what do I need to do to get arrested? Because you’re snatching black people off the street. I’m one of the one’s blocking the street. Why didn’t you arrest me?” The police took her up on the offer, and the peaceful demonstrators were booked and taken to jail.